String (Function)

Creates and fills a string of a certain length with a certain character
Declare Function String ( ByVal count As Integer, ByVal ch_code As Long ) As String
Declare Function String ( ByVal count As Integer, ByRef ch As Const String ) As String
result = String[$]( count, ch_code )
result = String[$]( count, ch )
Declare Function String ( ByVal count As Integer, ByVal ch_code As Long ) As String
Declare Function String ( ByVal count As Integer, ByRef ch As Const String ) As String
result = String[$]( count, ch_code )
An integer specifying the length of the string to be created.
ch_codeA long specifying the ASCII character code to be used to fill the string.
chA string whose first character is to be used to fill the string.
Return Value
The created string. An empty string will be returned if either ch is an empty string, or count <= 0.
Print String( 4, 69 ) '' prints "EEEE"
Print String( 5, "Indeed" ) '' prints "IIIII"
End 0
Print String( 5, "Indeed" ) '' prints "IIIII"
End 0
Dialect Differences
- The string type suffix "$" is obligatory in the -lang qb dialect.
- The string type suffix "$" is optional in the -lang fblite and -lang fb dialects.
Differences from QB
- None
See also