
Outputs a value to a hardware port.
Out port,value
This function sends value to port and returns immediately.
Out port,value
Hardware port to write to.
dataData value to write.
This function sends value to port and returns immediately.
Sub Sound(ByVal freq As UInteger, dur As UInteger)
Dim t As Double,f1 As Unsigned Short
f1 = 1193181 \ freq
Out &h61,Inp(&h61) Or 3
Out &h43,&hb6
Out &h42,LoByte(f1)
Out &h42,HiByte(f1)
While ((Timer - t) * 1000) < dur
Sleep 0,1
Out &h61,Inp(&h61) And &hfc
End Sub
Sound(523, 60) 'C5
Sound(587, 60) 'D5
Sound(659, 60) 'E5
Sound(698, 60) 'F5
Sound(784, 60) 'G5
Sound(880, 60) 'A5
Sound(988, 60) 'B5
Sound(1046, 60) 'C6
Sub Sound(ByVal freq As UInteger, dur As UInteger)
Dim t As Double,f1 As Unsigned Short
f1 = 1193181 \ freq
Out &h61,Inp(&h61) Or 3
Out &h43,&hb6
Out &h42,LoByte(f1)
Out &h42,HiByte(f1)
While ((Timer - t) * 1000) < dur
Sleep 0,1
Out &h61,Inp(&h61) And &hfc
End Sub
Sound(523, 60) 'C5
Sound(587, 60) 'D5
Sound(659, 60) 'E5
Sound(698, 60) 'F5
Sound(784, 60) 'G5
Sound(880, 60) 'A5
Sound(988, 60) 'B5
Sound(1046, 60) 'C6
Platform Differences
- In the Windows and Linux versions three port numbers (&H3C7;, &H3C8;, &H3C9;) are hooked by the graphics library when a graphics mode is in use to emulate QB's VGA palette handling. This use is deprecated; use Palette to retrieve and set palette colors.
- Using true port access in the Windows version requires the program to install a device driver for the present session. For that reason, Windows executables using hardware port access should be run with administrator permits each time the computer is restarted. Further runs don't require admin rights as they just use the already installed driver. The driver is only 3K in size and is embedded in the executable.
See also