Does a binary copy from an integer variable to a String of the same length as the size of the input variable
Declare Function MKI ( ByVal number As Integer ) As String
Declare Function MKI<bits> ( ByVal number As Integer<bits> ) As String
result = MKI[$]( number )
result = MKI[$]<bits>( number )
Does a binary copy from an Integer or Integer<bits> variable to a String, setting its length to the number of bytes in the type. The resulting string can be read back to an integer type using CVI or CVI<bits>.
This function is useful to write numeric values to buffers without using a Type definition.
MKI supports an optional <bits> parameter before the argument. If bits is 16, MKShort will be called instead; if bits is 32, MKL will be called; if bits is 64, MKLongInt will be called. The length of the return value and the required number argument type will depend on which function is called. See each function's page for more information.
Declare Function MKI ( ByVal number As Integer ) As String
Declare Function MKI<bits> ( ByVal number As Integer<bits> ) As String
result = MKI[$]( number )
result = MKI[$]<bits>( number )
Return Value
Does a binary copy from an Integer or Integer<bits> variable to a String, setting its length to the number of bytes in the type. The resulting string can be read back to an integer type using CVI or CVI<bits>.
This function is useful to write numeric values to buffers without using a Type definition.
MKI supports an optional <bits> parameter before the argument. If bits is 16, MKShort will be called instead; if bits is 32, MKL will be called; if bits is 64, MKLongInt will be called. The length of the return value and the required number argument type will depend on which function is called. See each function's page for more information.
Dim a As Integer, b As String
Print a, CVI(b)
Print a, CVI(b)
Dialect Differences
- In the -lang qb dialect, MKI returns a 2-byte-string, since a QB integer is only 16 bits.
- The string type suffix "$" is obligatory in the -lang qb dialect.
- The string type suffix "$" is optional in the -lang fblite and -lang fb dialects.
- QB did not support a <bits> parameter.
See also