
Embeddable javascript engine.
Website: http://www.mozilla.org/js/spidermonkey/
Platforms supported: Win32, Linux
Headers to include: spidermonkey/jsapi.bi
Header version: from 2006
Website: http://www.mozilla.org/js/spidermonkey/
Platforms supported: Win32, Linux
Headers to include: spidermonkey/jsapi.bi
Header version: from 2006
'' Evaluating javascript code
#include once "spidermonkey/jsapi.bi"
Dim Shared As JSClass global_class = _
( _
@"global", 0, _
@JS_PropertyStub, @JS_PropertyStub, @JS_PropertyStub, @JS_PropertyStub, _
@JS_EnumerateStub, @JS_ResolveStub, @JS_ConvertStub, @JS_FinalizeStub _
Dim As JSRuntime Ptr rt = JS_NewRuntime(1048576 /'memory limit'/)
Dim As JSContext Ptr cx = JS_NewContext(rt, 4096 /'stack size'/)
Dim As JSObject Ptr global = JS_NewObject(cx, @global_class, NULL, NULL)
JS_InitStandardClasses(cx, global)
'' This string could also be read in from a file or as part of HTTP data etc.
!"function fact(n) \n" + _
!"{ \n" + _
!" if (n <= 1) \n" + _
!" return 1; \n" + _
!" \n" + _
!" return n * fact(n - 1);\n" + _
!"} \n" + _
!" \n" + _
!" fact(5) \n"
Dim As jsval rval
If (JS_EvaluateScript(cx, global, TEST_SCRIPT, Len(TEST_SCRIPT), "localhost", 1, @rval) = 0) Then
Print "JS_EvaluateScript failed"
End 1
End If
Print "result: " & *JS_GetStringBytes(JS_ValueToString(cx, rval))
#include once "spidermonkey/jsapi.bi"
Dim Shared As JSClass global_class = _
( _
@"global", 0, _
@JS_PropertyStub, @JS_PropertyStub, @JS_PropertyStub, @JS_PropertyStub, _
@JS_EnumerateStub, @JS_ResolveStub, @JS_ConvertStub, @JS_FinalizeStub _
Dim As JSRuntime Ptr rt = JS_NewRuntime(1048576 /'memory limit'/)
Dim As JSContext Ptr cx = JS_NewContext(rt, 4096 /'stack size'/)
Dim As JSObject Ptr global = JS_NewObject(cx, @global_class, NULL, NULL)
JS_InitStandardClasses(cx, global)
'' This string could also be read in from a file or as part of HTTP data etc.
!"function fact(n) \n" + _
!"{ \n" + _
!" if (n <= 1) \n" + _
!" return 1; \n" + _
!" \n" + _
!" return n * fact(n - 1);\n" + _
!"} \n" + _
!" \n" + _
!" fact(5) \n"
Dim As jsval rval
If (JS_EvaluateScript(cx, global, TEST_SCRIPT, Len(TEST_SCRIPT), "localhost", 1, @rval) = 0) Then
Print "JS_EvaluateScript failed"
End 1
End If
Print "result: " & *JS_GetStringBytes(JS_ValueToString(cx, rval))
'' Callback example: Functions that are used by the Javascript code,
'' but are implemented in FB.
#include once "spidermonkey/jsapi.bi"
Dim Shared As JSClass global_class = _
( _
@"global", 0, _
@JS_PropertyStub, @JS_PropertyStub, @JS_PropertyStub, @JS_PropertyStub, _
@JS_EnumerateStub, @JS_ResolveStub, @JS_ConvertStub, @JS_FinalizeStub _
Private Function print_callback cdecl _
( _
ByVal cx As JSContext Ptr, _
ByVal obj As JSObject Ptr, _
ByVal argc As uintN, _
ByVal argv As jsval Ptr, _
ByVal rval As jsval Ptr _
) As JSBool
If (argc < 1) Then
Return 0
End If
Print *JS_GetStringBytes(JS_ValueToString(cx, argv[0]))
Return 1
End Function
Private Function ucase_callback cdecl _
( _
ByVal cx As JSContext Ptr, _
ByVal obj As JSObject Ptr, _
ByVal argc As uintN, _
ByVal argv As jsval Ptr, _
ByVal rval As jsval Ptr _
) As JSBool
If (argc < 1) Then
Return 0
End If
'' Get the first argument
Dim As ZString Ptr arg1 = JS_GetStringBytes(JS_ValueToString(cx, argv[0]))
'' Get a buffer for the result string
Dim As ZString Ptr result = JS_malloc(cx, Len(*arg1) + 1)
'' Do the work
*result = UCase(*arg1)
'' Return it in rval
*rval = STRING_TO_JSVAL(JS_NewString(cx, result, Len(*result)))
Return 1
End Function
Dim As JSRuntime Ptr rt = JS_NewRuntime(1048576 /'memory limit'/)
Dim As JSContext Ptr cx = JS_NewContext(rt, 4096 /'stack size'/)
Dim As JSObject Ptr global = JS_NewObject(cx, @global_class, NULL, NULL)
JS_InitStandardClasses(cx, global)
JS_DefineFunction(cx, global, "print", @print_callback, 1, 0)
JS_DefineFunction(cx, global, "ucase", @ucase_callback, 1, 0)
Const TEST_SCRIPT = "print(ucase('hello'));"
Dim As jsval rval
If (JS_EvaluateScript(cx, global, TEST_SCRIPT, Len(TEST_SCRIPT), "localhost", 1, @rval) = 0) Then
Print "JS_EvaluateScript failed"
End 1
End If
'' but are implemented in FB.
#include once "spidermonkey/jsapi.bi"
Dim Shared As JSClass global_class = _
( _
@"global", 0, _
@JS_PropertyStub, @JS_PropertyStub, @JS_PropertyStub, @JS_PropertyStub, _
@JS_EnumerateStub, @JS_ResolveStub, @JS_ConvertStub, @JS_FinalizeStub _
Private Function print_callback cdecl _
( _
ByVal cx As JSContext Ptr, _
ByVal obj As JSObject Ptr, _
ByVal argc As uintN, _
ByVal argv As jsval Ptr, _
ByVal rval As jsval Ptr _
) As JSBool
If (argc < 1) Then
Return 0
End If
Print *JS_GetStringBytes(JS_ValueToString(cx, argv[0]))
Return 1
End Function
Private Function ucase_callback cdecl _
( _
ByVal cx As JSContext Ptr, _
ByVal obj As JSObject Ptr, _
ByVal argc As uintN, _
ByVal argv As jsval Ptr, _
ByVal rval As jsval Ptr _
) As JSBool
If (argc < 1) Then
Return 0
End If
'' Get the first argument
Dim As ZString Ptr arg1 = JS_GetStringBytes(JS_ValueToString(cx, argv[0]))
'' Get a buffer for the result string
Dim As ZString Ptr result = JS_malloc(cx, Len(*arg1) + 1)
'' Do the work
*result = UCase(*arg1)
'' Return it in rval
*rval = STRING_TO_JSVAL(JS_NewString(cx, result, Len(*result)))
Return 1
End Function
Dim As JSRuntime Ptr rt = JS_NewRuntime(1048576 /'memory limit'/)
Dim As JSContext Ptr cx = JS_NewContext(rt, 4096 /'stack size'/)
Dim As JSObject Ptr global = JS_NewObject(cx, @global_class, NULL, NULL)
JS_InitStandardClasses(cx, global)
JS_DefineFunction(cx, global, "print", @print_callback, 1, 0)
JS_DefineFunction(cx, global, "ucase", @ucase_callback, 1, 0)
Const TEST_SCRIPT = "print(ucase('hello'));"
Dim As jsval rval
If (JS_EvaluateScript(cx, global, TEST_SCRIPT, Len(TEST_SCRIPT), "localhost", 1, @rval) = 0) Then
Print "JS_EvaluateScript failed"
End 1
End If