Console Functions

Procedures that work with the console.
These procedures provide ways to output text to the console, as well as control where and how text is output.
Configuring the ConsoleStatements that affect how text is displayed.
Cursor Color and PositioningProcedures that move the cursor and change its color.
Writing Text to the ConsoleProcedures that output text to the console.
Configuring the Console Cls Cursor Color and PositioningClears the entire screen or text viewport. WidthSets or returns the number of rows and columns of the console display. View PrintSets the printable area of the console screen. Color Changes the foreground and background color of text to be written. CsrLinReturns the row position of the cursor. PosReturns the column position of the cursor. LocateSets the row and column position of the cursor and its visibility. Screen (Console)Gets the character or color attribute at a given location. | Writing Text to the Console |