Compiler Option: -w

Set minimum warning level.
-w level | all | param | Escape | pedantic | Next
Warning messages only with a level equal or greater to this value will be output.
allEquivalent to specifying a level of zero (0).
Warn when string literals contain any number of escape characters (\).
pedanticEquivalent to specifying the param and Escape arguments.
The -w compiler option determines which compiler warnings, if any, are output. Each possible warning is associated with a warning level, starting from zero (0) and increasing with the potential problems that may occur. A significantly high level value will have the effect of suppressing all warning messages.
Note that the param, Escape, pedantic and Next arguments provide additional warnings not ordinarily output, even by default.
If the -w option is not specified, it's as if -w 0 was used. The -w option can be specified multiple times.
Note that the param, Escape, pedantic and Next arguments provide additional warnings not ordinarily output, even by default.
If the -w option is not specified, it's as if -w 0 was used. The -w option can be specified multiple times.
See also