
Right justifies a string in a string buffer
Declare Sub RSet ( ByRef dst As String, ByRef src As Const String )
Declare Sub RSet ( ByVal dst As WString Ptr, ByVal src As Const WString Ptr )
RSet dst, src
RSet right justifies text into the string buffer dst, filling the right part of the string with src and the left part with spaces. The string buffer size is not modified.
If text is too long for the string buffer size, RSet truncates characters from the right.
Declare Sub RSet ( ByRef dst As String, ByRef src As Const String )
Declare Sub RSet ( ByVal dst As WString Ptr, ByVal src As Const WString Ptr )
RSet dst, src
RSet right justifies text into the string buffer dst, filling the right part of the string with src and the left part with spaces. The string buffer size is not modified.
If text is too long for the string buffer size, RSet truncates characters from the right.
Dim buffer As String
buffer = Space(10)
RSet buffer, "91.5"
Print "-[" & buffer & "]-"
buffer = Space(10)
RSet buffer, "91.5"
Print "-[" & buffer & "]-"
Differences from QB
- In QBasic the syntax was RSet dst = src. That syntax is also supported by FB.
See also