Converts a single-precision floating-point number or string to an integer variable using a binary copy
Declare Function CVI ( ByVal sng As Single ) As Integer
Declare Function CVI ( ByRef str As Const String ) As Integer
Declare Function CVI<bits> ( expr As DataType ) As Integer<bits>
result = CVI( sng )
result = CVI( str )
result = CVI<bits>( expr )
Returns an integer value using the binary data contained in a Single, or a String. A value of zero (0) is returned if the string contains fewer characters than the size of the return type.
CVI is used to convert strings created with MKI.
This function can also be used to convert 32-bit integer values from a memory or file buffer without the need for a Type structure. However, just as with the type structure, special care should be taken when using CVI to convert strings that have been read from a buffer.
CVI supports an optional <bits> parameter before the argument. If bits is 16, CVShort will be called instead; if bits is 32, CVL will be called; if bits is 64, CVLongInt will be called. The return type and accepted argument types will depend on which function is called. See each function's page for more information.
Declare Function CVI ( ByVal sng As Single ) As Integer
Declare Function CVI ( ByRef str As Const String ) As Integer
Declare Function CVI<bits> ( expr As DataType ) As Integer<bits>
result = CVI( sng )
result = CVI( str )
result = CVI<bits>( expr )
A Single floating-point number with a binary copy of an integer variable stored in it.
strA String with a binary copy of an integer variable stored in it.
bitsSpecifies a size of integer type to return. The types and sizes of expr accepted will depend on the corresponding function called.
exprReturn Value
Returns an integer value using the binary data contained in a Single, or a String. A value of zero (0) is returned if the string contains fewer characters than the size of the return type.
CVI is used to convert strings created with MKI.
This function can also be used to convert 32-bit integer values from a memory or file buffer without the need for a Type structure. However, just as with the type structure, special care should be taken when using CVI to convert strings that have been read from a buffer.
CVI supports an optional <bits> parameter before the argument. If bits is 16, CVShort will be called instead; if bits is 32, CVL will be called; if bits is 64, CVLongInt will be called. The return type and accepted argument types will depend on which function is called. See each function's page for more information.
Dim i As Integer, s As String
s = "ABCD"
i = CVI(s)
Print Using "s = ""&"""; s
Print Using "i = _&H&"; Hex(i)
s = "ABCD"
i = CVI(s)
Print Using "s = ""&"""; s
Print Using "i = _&H&"; Hex(i)
Dialect Differences
- In the -lang qb dialect, CVI expects a 2-byte string, since a QB integer is only 16 bits. Only the first two bytes of the string are used, even if the string happens to be longer than two bytes.
- In the -lang qb dialect, CVI will not take a floating-point argument, since a QB integer is only 16 bits and there is no 16-bit floating-point data type. Instead, CVI<32>/CVI<64> or CVL/CVLongInt may be used.
Differences from QB
- In QB an error occurs if the string passed is fewer than two bytes in length.
- QB did not support floating-point arguments.
- QB did not support a <bits> parameter.
See also