Protected: (Access Control)

Specifies protected member access control in a Type or Class
member declarations
Protected: indicates that member declarations following it have protected access. Protected members are accessible only from inside a member function for the Type or Class, and classes which are derived from the Type or Class.
member declarations following Protected: are protected until a different access control specifier is given, like Private: or Public:.
Members in a Type declaration are Public: by default if no member access control specifier is given.
NOTE: This keyword is useful only since fbc version 0.24 because inheritance is then supported.
member declarations
declarations for fields, functions, or enumerations
Protected: indicates that member declarations following it have protected access. Protected members are accessible only from inside a member function for the Type or Class, and classes which are derived from the Type or Class.
member declarations following Protected: are protected until a different access control specifier is given, like Private: or Public:.
Members in a Type declaration are Public: by default if no member access control specifier is given.
NOTE: This keyword is useful only since fbc version 0.24 because inheritance is then supported.
'' Example pending classes feature ...
Dialect Differences
- Available only in the -lang fb dialect.
Differences from QB
- New to FreeBASIC
See also