
Stream I/O function to terminate access to a device
Close [[#]filenum ] [, [#]filenum ...]
result = Close( [#filenum] )
Closes the files whose file numbers are passed as arguments. If an unused file number is passed, Close returns an error.
Close without arguments closes all the files presently opened.
Terminating the program using an End statement will automatically close all files.
Close returns zero (0) on success and a non-zero error code otherwise.
Close [[#]filenum ] [, [#]filenum ...]
result = Close( [#filenum] )
List of file numbers to close.
Closes the files whose file numbers are passed as arguments. If an unused file number is passed, Close returns an error.
Close without arguments closes all the files presently opened.
Terminating the program using an End statement will automatically close all files.
Return Value
Close returns zero (0) on success and a non-zero error code otherwise.
' Create a string and fill it.
Dim buffer As String, f As Integer
buffer = "Hello World within a file."
' Find the first free file number.
f = FreeFile
' Open the file "file.ext" for binary usage, using the number "f".
Open "file.ext" For Binary As #f
' Place our string inside the file, using number "f".
Put #f, , buffer
' Close the file. We could also do 'Close #f', but it's only necessary if more than one number is open.
' End of program. (Check the file "file.ext" upon running to see the output.)
Dim buffer As String, f As Integer
buffer = "Hello World within a file."
' Find the first free file number.
f = FreeFile
' Open the file "file.ext" for binary usage, using the number "f".
Open "file.ext" For Binary As #f
' Place our string inside the file, using number "f".
Put #f, , buffer
' Close the file. We could also do 'Close #f', but it's only necessary if more than one number is open.
' End of program. (Check the file "file.ext" upon running to see the output.)
Differences from QB
- Close can be called as a function that returns an error code.
- FB throws an error on trying to close an unused file number, if compiled with error checking and if not used with the function-style syntax
See also