String Functions
Statements and Procedures that work with strings.
These statements and procedures provide many ways to create and manipulate strings and substrings. Numbers can be converted to strings and vice-versa. Procedures are also provided to aid in serialization of numeric data, perhaps for persistent storage.
Creating StringsString data types and procedures that create new strings.
Character ConversionsProcedures that convert from character codes to strings and back.
Numeric/Boolean to String ConversionsProcedures that convert numeric values to strings.
String to Numeric ConversionsProcedures that convert strings to numeric values.
Numeric SerializationsProcedures that convert raw numeric data to and from strings suitable for storage.
Working with SubstringsProcedures that return subsets of strings, or that modify subsets of strings.
Creating Strings String Character ConversionStandard data type: 8 bit character string. String (Function)Returns a String of multiple characters. ZStringStandard data type: null terminated 8 bit character string. WStringStandard data type: wide character string. Wstring (Function)Returns a WString of multiple characters. SpaceReturns a String consisting of spaces. WSpaceReturns a WString consisting of spaces. LenReturns the length of a string in characters. Asc Numeric/Boolean to String ConversionsReturns an Integer representation of an character. ChrReturns a string of one or more characters from their ASCII Integer representation. WChrBin String to Numeric ConversionsReturns a binary String representation of an integral value. WBinReturns a binary WString representation of an integral value. HexReturns a hexadecimal String representation of an integral value. WHexReturns a hexadecimal WString representation of an integral value. OctReturns an octal String representation of an integral value. WOctReturns an octal WString representation of an integral value. StrReturns the String representation of numeric value or boolean. WStrReturns the WString representation of numeric value. Format | Numeric Serialization Working with Substrings Left Returns a substring of the leftmost characters in a string. Mid (Function)Returns a substring of a string. RightReturns a substring of the rightmost characters in a string. LCaseReturns a copy of a string converted to lowercase alpha characters. UCaseReturns a copy of a string converted to uppercase alpha characters. LTrimRemoves surrounding substrings or characters on the left side of a string. RTrimRemoves surrounding substrings or characters on the right side of a string. TrimRemoves surrounding substrings or characters on the left and right side of a string. InStrReturns the first occurrence of a substring or character within a string. InStrRevReturns the last occurrence of a substring or character within a string. Mid (Statement)Copies a substring to a substring of a string. LSetLeft-justifies a string. RSetRight-justifies a string. |