Compiler Option: -fpu

Sets the math unit to be used for floating point arithmetics.
-fpu < type >
The floating point unit: X87 | SSE.
The -fpu compiler option sets the math unit to be used for floating point arithmetics. If this option is not specified, the default is -fpu X87.
-fpu X87 will generate floating point instructions for the 387.
-fpu SSE will generate floating point instructions for SSE and SSE2 with some math support still done by the 387.
Functions normally return a floating point value (Single or Double) in the st(0) register. Sometimes, this may be optimized by returning the value in the xmm0 register instead. This can be specified with Option("Sse") after the return type in a function's declaration or definition. Option("Sse") is ignored unless the source is compiled with the -fpu SSE command line option.
-fpu X87 will generate floating point instructions for the 387.
-fpu SSE will generate floating point instructions for SSE and SSE2 with some math support still done by the 387.
Functions normally return a floating point value (Single or Double) in the st(0) register. Sometimes, this may be optimized by returning the value in the xmm0 register instead. This can be specified with Option("Sse") after the return type in a function's declaration or definition. Option("Sse") is ignored unless the source is compiled with the -fpu SSE command line option.
See also