Type (Alias)

Declares an alternative name for a type
symbol may refer to any declared data type including a built-in data type, Sub or Function pointer, Type declaration, Union declaration, or Enum declaration.
A type alias can be used to allow forward declarations of parameters in procedure declarations, but only used with pointers or parameters passed by reference (excluding arrays).
A type alias can also be used to allow forward declarations of data fields in User Defined Types, but only used with pointers.
new alternative name.
symbol symbol or data type declaration to associate with typename.
symbol may refer to any declared data type including a built-in data type, Sub or Function pointer, Type declaration, Union declaration, or Enum declaration.
A type alias can be used to allow forward declarations of parameters in procedure declarations, but only used with pointers or parameters passed by reference (excluding arrays).
A type alias can also be used to allow forward declarations of data fields in User Defined Types, but only used with pointers.
Type ParentFwd As Parent
Type Child
Name As ZString * 32
ParentRef As ParentFwd Ptr
End Type
Type Parent
Name As ZString * 32
ChildList(0 To 9) As Child
End Type
Dim p As Parent
p.Name = "Foo"
With p.ChildList(0)
.Name = "Jr."
.ParentRef = @p
'' ...
End With
With p.ChildList(0)
Print .Name; " is child of "; .parentRef->Name
End With
Type Child
Name As ZString * 32
ParentRef As ParentFwd Ptr
End Type
Type Parent
Name As ZString * 32
ChildList(0 To 9) As Child
End Type
Dim p As Parent
p.Name = "Foo"
With p.ChildList(0)
.Name = "Jr."
.ParentRef = @p
'' ...
End With
With p.ChildList(0)
Print .Name; " is child of "; .parentRef->Name
End With
Differences from QB
- New to FreeBASIC
See also