Threading Support Functions

Procedures for working with multithreaded applications.
These procedures allow for multithreaded programming. Threads and conditional variables can be created and destroyed, and so-called mutexes can be obtained to protect thread-sensitive data.
ThreadsProcedures that start and wait for threaded procedures.
Conditional VarablesProcedures that create and signal conditional variables.
MutexesProcedures that deal with mutexes.
Threads Threadcall Conditional VariablesStarts a procedure with parameters in a separate thread of execution. ThreadCreateStarts a procedure in a separate thread of execution. ThreaddetachReleases a thread handle without waiting for the thread to finish. ThreadWaitWaits for a thread to finish and releases the thread handle. CondCreate Creates a conditional variable. CondWaitPauses execution of a threaded procedure. CondSignalResumes execution of a threaded procedure waiting for a conditional. CondBroadcastResumes all threaded procedures waiting for a conditional. CondDestroyDestroys a conditional variable that is no longer needed. | Mutexes MutexCreate Creates a mutex. MutexLockAcquires a lock on a mutex. MutexUnlockReleases a lock on a mutex. MutexDestroyDestroys a mutex that is no longer needed. |
Platform Differences
- These procedures are not supported in DOS.