
Reads buttons and axis information from attached gaming devices
Declare Function GetJoystick ( ByVal id As Long, ByRef buttons As Integer = 0, ByRef a1 As Single = 0, ByRef a2 As Single = 0, ByRef a3 As Single = 0, ByRef a4 As Single = 0, ByRef a5 As Single = 0, ByRef a6 As Single = 0, ByRef a7 As Single = 0, ByRef a8 As Single = 0 ) As Integer
result = GetJoystick( id[, buttons[, a1[, a2[, a3[, a4[, a5[, a6[, a7[, a8]]]]]]]]] )
0 on success or 1 on failure. All of the axis positions are returned in floating point format.
GetJoystick will retrieves the button state, and the axis positions for up to 8 axes, for the joystick determined by id, a number between 0 and 15. Buttons are stored in a similar manner to GetMouse, with each bit in buttons representing a button.
A single precision value between -1.0 and 1.0 is returned for each valid axis. If the axis does not exist for the controller, a value of -1000.00 is returned.
GetJoystick will return 0 upon successful completion; It will return 1 upon failure. Failure can be caused by specifying an illegal joystick number, specifying a joystick which doesn't exist, or a failure in the joystick API.
Declare Function GetJoystick ( ByVal id As Long, ByRef buttons As Integer = 0, ByRef a1 As Single = 0, ByRef a2 As Single = 0, ByRef a3 As Single = 0, ByRef a4 As Single = 0, ByRef a5 As Single = 0, ByRef a6 As Single = 0, ByRef a7 As Single = 0, ByRef a8 As Single = 0 ) As Integer
result = GetJoystick( id[, buttons[, a1[, a2[, a3[, a4[, a5[, a6[, a7[, a8]]]]]]]]] )
the device id number (0 - 15)
buttonsthe button status
a1first axis value
a2second axis value
a3third axis value
a4fourth axis value
a5fifth axis value
a6sixth axis value
a7seventh axis value
a8eighth axis value
Return Value
0 on success or 1 on failure. All of the axis positions are returned in floating point format.
GetJoystick will retrieves the button state, and the axis positions for up to 8 axes, for the joystick determined by id, a number between 0 and 15. Buttons are stored in a similar manner to GetMouse, with each bit in buttons representing a button.
A single precision value between -1.0 and 1.0 is returned for each valid axis. If the axis does not exist for the controller, a value of -1000.00 is returned.
GetJoystick will return 0 upon successful completion; It will return 1 upon failure. Failure can be caused by specifying an illegal joystick number, specifying a joystick which doesn't exist, or a failure in the joystick API.
Screen 12
Dim x As Single
Dim y As Single
Dim buttons As Integer
Dim result As Integer
Dim a As Integer
Const JoystickID = 0
'This line checks to see if the joystick is ok.
If GetJoystick(JoystickID,buttons,x,y) Then
Print "Joystick doesn't exist or joystick error."
Print "Press any key to continue."
End If
result = GetJoystick(JoystickID,buttons,x,y)
Locate 1,1
Print ;"result:";result;" x:" ;x;" y:";y;" Buttons:";buttons,"","",""
'This tests to see which buttons from 1 to 27 are pressed.
For a = 0 To 26
If (buttons And (1 Shl a)) Then
Print "Button ";a;" pressed. "
Print "Button ";a;" not pressed."
End If
Next a
Dim x As Single
Dim y As Single
Dim buttons As Integer
Dim result As Integer
Dim a As Integer
Const JoystickID = 0
'This line checks to see if the joystick is ok.
If GetJoystick(JoystickID,buttons,x,y) Then
Print "Joystick doesn't exist or joystick error."
Print "Press any key to continue."
End If
result = GetJoystick(JoystickID,buttons,x,y)
Locate 1,1
Print ;"result:";result;" x:" ;x;" y:";y;" Buttons:";buttons,"","",""
'This tests to see which buttons from 1 to 27 are pressed.
For a = 0 To 26
If (buttons And (1 Shl a)) Then
Print "Button ";a;" pressed. "
Print "Button ";a;" not pressed."
End If
Next a
Dialect Differences
- Not available in the -lang qb dialect unless referenced with the alias __Getjoystick.
Differences from QB
- New to FreeBASIC
See also