Screen Functions

Statements and procedures that work with the graphics display.
These statements and procedures control the graphics capabilities of the FreeBASIC graphics library. Screen modes can be set with varying resolutions and color depths, window events can be handled, and specific OpenGL procedures can be retrieved.
Working with screen modesProcedures for setting and retrieving information about screen modes.
Working with pagesProcedures that manipulate screen pages.
Working video memoryProcedures that provide direct access to framebuffer memory.
Screen MetricsProcedures that control the way coordinates are interpreted.
Working with screen modes ScreenList Working with pagesGets the available fullscreen resolutions. Screen and ScreenResSets a new graphics display mode. ScreenInfoGets information about the system desktop or current display mode. ScreenControlGets or sets internal graphics library settings. ScreenEventGets system events. ScreenGLProcReturns the address of an OpenGL procedure. WindowTitleSets the running program's window caption. Cls Clears the entire screen or viewport. ScreenSetSets the current work and visible pages. ScreenCopy and PCopy and FlipCopies pixel data from one page to another. ScreenSyncWaits for the vertical refresh of the monitor. | Working video memory ScreenPtr Screen MetricsGets the address of the working page's framebuffer. ScreenLockLocks the current working page's framebuffer for direct access. ScreenUnlockView (Graphics) Sets a clipping region for all drawing and blitting procedures. WindowSets a new coordinate mapping for the current viewport. PMapConverts coordinates between physical and view mappings. PointcoordQueries Draw's pen position. |