
Left-justifies a string
Declare Sub LSet ( ByRef dst As String, ByRef src As Const String )
Declare Sub LSet ( ByVal dst As WString Ptr, ByVal src As Const WString Ptr )
LSet dst, src
LSet dst_udt, src_udt
LSet left justifies text into the string buffer dst, filling the left part of the string with src and the right part with spaces. The string buffer size is not modified.
If text is too long for the string buffer size, LSet truncates characters from the right.
For compatibility with QBasic, LSet can also copy a user defined type variable into another one. The copy is made byte for byte, without any care for fields or alignment. It's up to the programmer to take care for the validity of the result.
Declare Sub LSet ( ByRef dst As String, ByRef src As Const String )
Declare Sub LSet ( ByVal dst As WString Ptr, ByVal src As Const WString Ptr )
LSet dst, src
LSet dst_udt, src_udt
String String to receive the data.
srcSource String to get the data.
dst_udtUser defined Type to receive the data.
LSet left justifies text into the string buffer dst, filling the left part of the string with src and the right part with spaces. The string buffer size is not modified.
If text is too long for the string buffer size, LSet truncates characters from the right.
For compatibility with QBasic, LSet can also copy a user defined type variable into another one. The copy is made byte for byte, without any care for fields or alignment. It's up to the programmer to take care for the validity of the result.
Dim buffer As String
buffer = Space(10)
LSet buffer, "91.5"
Print "-[" & buffer & "]-"
buffer = Space(10)
LSet buffer, "91.5"
Print "-[" & buffer & "]-"
Type mytype1
x As Integer
y As Integer
End Type
Type mytype2
z As Integer
End Type
Dim a As mytype1 , b As mytype2
b.z = 1234
LSet a, b
Print a.x
x As Integer
y As Integer
End Type
Type mytype2
z As Integer
End Type
Dim a As mytype1 , b As mytype2
b.z = 1234
LSet a, b
Print a.x
Differences from QB
- In QB, the syntax was LSet dst = src. That syntax is also supported by FB.
See also