
Returns the integer part of a number, rounding towards zero
Declare Function Fix ( ByVal number As Single ) As Single
Declare Function Fix ( ByVal number As Double ) As Double
Declare Function Fix ( ByVal number As Integer ) As Integer
Declare Function Fix ( ByVal number As UInteger ) As UInteger
Declare Function Fix ( ByVal number As LongInt ) As LongInt
Declare Function Fix ( ByVal number As ULongInt ) As ULongInt
result = Fix( number )
Returns the integer part of number, rounding towards zero.
Equivalent to: Sgn(number) * Int(Abs(number)). For example, Fix(1.3) will return 1.0, and Fix(-4.9) will return -4.0. For integer types, the number is returned unchanged.
Note: this function is also equivalent to number - Frac(number).
The Fix unary Operator can be overloaded with user defined types.
Declare Function Fix ( ByVal number As Single ) As Single
Declare Function Fix ( ByVal number As Double ) As Double
Declare Function Fix ( ByVal number As Integer ) As Integer
Declare Function Fix ( ByVal number As UInteger ) As UInteger
Declare Function Fix ( ByVal number As LongInt ) As LongInt
Declare Function Fix ( ByVal number As ULongInt ) As ULongInt
result = Fix( number )
the floating-point number to truncate
Return Value
Returns the integer part of number, rounding towards zero.
Equivalent to: Sgn(number) * Int(Abs(number)). For example, Fix(1.3) will return 1.0, and Fix(-4.9) will return -4.0. For integer types, the number is returned unchanged.
Note: this function is also equivalent to number - Frac(number).
The Fix unary Operator can be overloaded with user defined types.
Print Fix(1.9) '' will print 1
Print Fix(-1.9) '' will print -1
Print Fix(-1.9) '' will print -1
Dialect Differences
- In the -lang qb dialect, this operator cannot be overloaded.
Differences from QB
- None
See also