Logical Operators

Operators that perform bitwise logic
The logical operators perform logical operations on the values of their operands, and return the results. These operators are bitwise operators, in that the results are found by performing logical operations on each bit of their operands.
The logical operators perform logical operations on the values of their operands, and return the results. These operators are bitwise operators, in that the results are found by performing logical operations on each bit of their operands.
Operator And (Conjunction) Returns the result of a bitwise conjunction of two operands. Operator Eqv (Equivalence)Returns the result of a bitwise equivalence of two operands. Operator Imp (Implication)Returns the result of a bitwise implication of two operands. | Operator Not (Complement) Returns the result of a bitwise complement of an operand. Operator Or (Inclusive Disjunction)Returns the result of a bitwise inclusive or of two operands. Operator Xor (Exclusive Disjunction)Returns the result of a bitwise exclusive or of two operands. |