
Returns a string of characters from one or more ASCII integer values
result = Chr[$]( ch0 [, ch1 ... chN ] )
Returns a string containing the character(s).
Chr returns a string containing the character(s) represented by the ASCII values passed to it.
When Chr is used with numerical constants or literals, the result is evaluated at compile-time, so it can be used in variable initializers.
Asc performs the opposite function, returning the ASCII code of a character represented by a string.
result = Chr[$]( ch0 [, ch1 ... chN ] )
Return Value
Returns a string containing the character(s).
Chr returns a string containing the character(s) represented by the ASCII values passed to it.
When Chr is used with numerical constants or literals, the result is evaluated at compile-time, so it can be used in variable initializers.
Asc performs the opposite function, returning the ASCII code of a character represented by a string.
Print "the character represented by";
Print " the ASCII code of 97 is: "; Chr(97)
Print Chr(97, 98, 99) ' prints abc
' s initially has the value "abc"
Dim s As String = Chr(97, 98, 99)
Print s
Print " the ASCII code of 97 is: "; Chr(97)
Print Chr(97, 98, 99) ' prints abc
' s initially has the value "abc"
Dim s As String = Chr(97, 98, 99)
Print s
Dialect Differences
- The string type suffix "$" is obligatory in the -lang qb dialect.
- The string type suffix "$" is optional in the -lang fblite and -lang fb dialects.
Differences from QB
- FreeBASIC accepts multiple integer values as arguments, QB accepted only one.
- FreeBASIC evaluates the CHR function at compile time when used with constants or literals.
See also