

Returns a square root of a number


result = Sqr( number )


the number (greater than or equal to zero)

Return Value

Returns the square root of the argument number.

If number equals zero, Sqr returns zero (0.0).

If number is less than zero, Sqr returns a special value representing "not defined", printing like "NaN" or "IND", exact text is platform dependent.


This is the same as raising the argument number to the one-half power: y = x ^ (1/2) . The required number argument can be any valid numeric expression greater than or equal zero.

If a LongInt or ULongInt is passed to Sqr, it may be converted to Double precision first. For numbers over 2^52, this will cause a very small loss of precision. Without making any assumptions about the rounding method, the maximum error due to this will be Sqr(2^64) - Sqr(2^64-2^12), which is about 4.8e-7. However this may cause erroneous results if the floor or ceiling of this value is taken, and the result of this may be out by 1, particularly for square numbers and numbers that are close by.


'' Example of Sqr function: Pythagorean theorem 
Dim As Single a, b

Print "Pythagorean theorem, right-angled triangle"
Input "Please enter one leg side length: ", a
Input "Please enter the other leg side length: ", b
Print "The hypotenuse has a length of: " & Sqr( a * a + b * b )

The output would look like:
Pythagorean theorem, right-angled triangle

Please enter one leg side length: 1.5
Please enter the other leg side length: 2

The hypotenuse has a length of: 2.5

Differences from QB

  • None

See also