BLOAD/BSAVE text mode work-around

These functions allow you to use BSAVE and BLOAD in a text mode.
Sub _bsave( file As String, p As Any Ptr, sz As Integer )
Dim As Integer ff
ff = FreeFile
Open file For Binary As ff
fb_fileput( ff, 0, ByVal p, sz )
End Sub
Sub _bload( file As String, p As Any Ptr )
Dim As Integer ff
ff = FreeFile
Open file For Binary As ff
fb_fileget( ff, 0, ByVal p, LOF( ff ) )
End Sub
Dim As Integer ff
ff = FreeFile
Open file For Binary As ff
fb_fileput( ff, 0, ByVal p, sz )
End Sub
Sub _bload( file As String, p As Any Ptr )
Dim As Integer ff
ff = FreeFile
Open file For Binary As ff
fb_fileget( ff, 0, ByVal p, LOF( ff ) )
End Sub