Edit USB TC-08 Channel


Edit USB TC-08 Channel

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Accessed via the Edit button in the TC08 Channels dialog box.


This dialog box is used to enter the details for a channel.

Name.  This is the name of the channel. This name will appear on all reports.

Thermocouple.  This is the thermocouple type connected to the channel. There are eight valid thermocouple types: B, E, J, K, R, S, T, and N.  There is also a ±78.125 millivolt range.

Filter enable.  If you want to use a filter to reduce the effects of electrical noise, check this box.

Filter factor.  A median filter is applied when 'filter factor' number of samples have been collected, returning the middle value. Filtered values are more stable, but respond more slowly to real changes in temperature. The higher the factor, the stronger the filtering effect will be.

Options.  To set the options for a parameter, click Options...