ADC-100 Block |
Accessed via the OK button in the Converter details dialog box. Note: This dialog box is accessible only when Recording method has been set to Fast block in the Recording dialog box. This dialog box only applies to the block method of recording. It is used to select the channels that will be used to take measurements. Total time. This is the preferred time over which you want to collect the data. Number of samples. This specifies the preferred number of samples to be taken during a block. Sampling approximation based on. The ADC unit and the PC both have performance limits and will rarely be able to give exactly the settings that are requested. PicoLog will attempt to negotiate similar settings based on two user options:
Name. This is the name of the measurement. This name will appear on all reports. Range. This specifies the voltage range for the measurement. Trigger... To enter the trigger details for the measurement click the Trigger... button. This will open the ADC100 Trigger dialog box. Options. To set the options for the measurement (such as units and scaling) click Options. This will open the Parameter options dialog box. |