To export data to a spreadsheet:
1. | Open a PicoLog spreadsheet window |
2. | Alter the settings to display the measurements that you wish to export |
3. | Point at the first reading that you wish to print |
4. | Click the left mouse button (this reading will be highlighted) |
5. | Point at the last reading that you wish to print |
6. | Hold down the shift key and click the left mouse button (the whole block will be highlighted) |
7. | Click the Copy to clipboard button: |
8. | Move to the spreadsheet program |
9. | Point at the top left of the area you wish to fill |
10. | Select Paste from the Edit menu |
Alternatively, you can click the New file button, , then write the data to a text file. You can then import the text file into a spreadsheet.
Note: Do not attempt to save your data directly to a floppy disk.
If you wish to have the readings in the spreadsheet updated continuously with the current readings, you can use DDE.