PLW Player


PLW Player

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When you start PicoLog Player, or you select Player from the View menu of PicoLog Recorder, the computer opens a new window like this:


This shows you the name of the current Player file and the number of samples taken so far.

Player controls

The buttons on the left are used to specify a filename and to go forwards or backwards in a file sequence. The controls are as follows:

_bm21Open file. Load a new file into the player.
_bm22Back a file. Go to the previous file in a sequence.
_bm23Forwards a file. Go to the next file in a sequence.


Window controls

The buttons on the right are used to open other windows:

_bm12View Notes. Open a Notes window.
_bm13View Graph. Open a PLW Graph window.
_bm14View spreadsheet. Open a Spreadsheet window.