ADC-200 Block |
Accessed via the OK button in the Converter details dialog box. Note: This dialog box is only accessible when Recording method has been set to Fast block in the Recording dialog box. This dialog box is used to select the sampling rate and channels for fast data recording. Timebase. This is a list of the sample rates built into the ADC-200 series unit. Select one of the entries from this list. Oversample. This is the number of individual readings to be used for each sample. If you select four, for example, each sample will be made up of four readings and the time per sample will be four times the timebase. Number of samples. This specifies the number of samples to be taken during a block. Total time. This is the time required to take the specified number of samples Name. This is the name of the measurement. This name will appear on all reports. Range. This specifies the voltage range for the measurement. Set to 'off' if the channel is not required. AC/DC. This specifies whether the input is to be AC or DC coupled. Trigger. To enter the trigger details for the measurement click the Trigger button. This will open the ADC200 Trigger dialog box. Options. To set the options for the measurement (such as units and scaling) click Options. This will open the Parameter options dialog box. |