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From the View menu of PicoLog Recorder or Player, select Spreadsheet.


There is one line for each reading. The first column shows the time in seconds, while the remaining columns show the selected measurements.

The following options buttons are available:

_bm33Select channels. Select the measurements to display.
_bm34View options. Spreadsheet options specify whether to display individual readings, or first reading, average, minimum and maximum for a period.


If you select a range of readings, you can use the following buttons:

_bm7Write to disk. Write the readings to a print file (.prn) or a text file (.txt) - Both are tab separated value files.
_bm31Copy to clipboard. Write the readings to the clipboard.
_bm32Print view. Print the graph.


You can select a range in one of three ways:

If all of the readings that you want to select are on the screen:


blueballPoint the mouse at the first reading
blueballPress and hold down the left mouse button
blueballDrag the mouse to the last reading (the selected readings will be highlighted as you go)  and
blueballRelease the left mouse button.


If the readings are a long way apart:


blueballPoint the mouse at first reading
blueballClick the left mouse button (this will highlight the first reading)
blueballScroll down to the last reading
blueballPoint at the last reading  and
blueballPress the shift key and click the left mouse button.


If you wish to select all of the readings for one day:


blueballPoint the mouse at any reading during the required day
blueballClick the left mouse button (this will highlight the reading)  and
blueballClick on the 'select day' icon: _bm37