Edit ADC-11/22 Measurement


Edit ADC-11/22 Measurement

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Accessed via the Edit button in the ADC11/22 measurements dialog box.


This dialog box is used to enter the details for a measurement.

Name.  This is the name of the measurement. It will appear on all reports.

Channel.  This is the channel to be used for the measurement.

Measurement.  This specifies the type of measurement that will be made. The options are:

blueballDC volts - the DC component or average input voltage.
blueballAC volts - the RMS AC voltage (note that this excludes any DC component).
blueballdB - AC volts converted to decibels.
blueballFrequency - the frequency of the AC component, in hertz.

Scan time.  This is the total time to take the set of readings for a sample. The scan time should be at least three cycles at the minimum frequency that you wish to measure.

Options.  To set the options for the measurement (such as units and scaling) click Options. This will open the Parameter options dialog box.