Operator Instructions

IPFX for Outlook

Operator Instructions

There may be times when you wish to provide members of your organization with more information about your whereabouts than a simple Location can convey. In these cases you can use Operator Instructions to supply additional information about your situation.

Operator Instructions are notes attached to your location profile. They can be read by all Clients in the network.

Examples of Operator Instructions:

  • "Working from home today."
  • "On-site at XYZ company. Can be reached on my mobile if urgent."
  • "In Singapore all week. Jenny to handle the VIP account while I'm away."

Note: Operator Instructions do not expire automatically. When Operator Instructions are no longer relevant you should remove them manually.

In This Section

Entering and Editing Operator Instructions

Viewing Operator Instructions

See Also

Using locations

What are locations?

Locations and default return times

Setting your location in IPFX for Outlook

Returning from a location

Setting another extension's location

Editing your Location settings in Outlook

Changing your extension's properties

Call Profiles

IPFX MS Exchange Out of Office Assistant Integration

Calendar Functionality