RAMP Choreographer does not recognize a screen that has a name in newlook Designer


RAMP Choreographer does not recognize a screen that has a name in newlook Designer

Using the choreographer in the RAMP tools, I navigate to a screen that I had previously named using Newlook Designer. The choreographer doesn't recognise it and shows a message saying Unknown Form.

If I start the Newlook windows client and navigate to that screen, I can verify that the screen has indeed been given a name.

Why does this problem happen?

Most likely you have executed a RAMP application that was deployed using a cab file. In such cases, the downloaded Newlook ActiveX control is registered in your machine as the cab file is automatically downloaded. Thereafter, you would be running a different newlook with a different SID file than the one you were working with before.

When the downloaded newlook version is different than the Newlook version that was installed, you can easily verify this anomaly:

·         Locate a file called nl_load_test.htm in the partition execute folder. Double click on it and show the Help/About.

·         Start the Newlook windows client from the Newlook folder and show the Help/About.



If the versions are different:

·         Uninstall Newlook (a shortcut to this step is to run nlclean.exe and answer Y to all questions).

·         Reboot

·         Reinstall Newlook


Remember no tot test VLF.RAMP-WEB deployments onto your development PC!