Movie Summary


Movie Summary

For movie Identify the relevant screens and fields to newlook - 4 minutes.

This movie shows how to identify the screens and fields in newlook. Use the diagram created in the previous step for naming (see Movie Summary):

Start newlook Client

·         And then do the following for every screen:

Identify the screen

·         Choose the Identify option in the Tools menu

·         Check that the newlook screen identification area adequately identifies the screen (If the current recognition area is not sufficient to distinguish this screen, select a larger area, and use the pop-up menu to mark it as Screen Id.

·         Save using the form name

 Name the screen

·         Choose the Designer option in the Tools menu

·         Name the screen (form). The easiest way to do this is to double-click on an unused area of the screen, and edit the Name property of the form object. Note that names are case-sensitive, can be maximum 256 characters and do not allow trailing blank spaces.

·         Right-click all fields on the form that are used for navigation (if any) to display their properties.

·         Use the name property of the fields to identify them. For example on the Sign-on screen name the User field utxtProfile and the Password field utxtPassword.

Use the diagram in this Movie Summary to see which screens and which fields on the screens you need to identify.

Repeat these steps for each screen.