String Manipulation Functions


String Manipulation Functions

String variables in JavaScript have a number of very useful string functions. Here's a sample of the most commonly used:  

Operation / Function


Concatenation (+)

var S1 = "Customer";

var S2 = "123456"; 

var S3 = S1 + " " + S2 + "could not be found";


puts Customer 123456could not be found in variable S3.  

IndexOf – finds first occurrence of a string in a string

/*        012345678901 */


var pos = S1.indexOf("HELLO");


will put the number 4 into variable pos.  

lastIndexOf - finds last occurrence of a string in a string

/*        012345678901 */


var pos = S1.lastIndexOf("AB");


will put the number 9 into variable pos.  

charAt – returns the character at a specific position in a string

/*        012345678901 */


var S2 = S1.charAt(4);

var S3 = S1.charAt(9);


will put "H" into S2 and "A" into S3.

length – returns the length of a string

/*        012345678901  */


var I  = S1.length;


will put the number 11 into variable I.

substring – returns the substring of string using a starting and ending point.

/*       01234567789  */

var a = "Hello World";

var b = a.substring(4,8);


will put "o Wor" into b.


substr – returns the substring of a string using a starting position and a length

/*       01234567789  */

var a = "Hello World";

var b = a.substr(2,3);


will put "llo" into b.


toLowerCase – returns the lowercase of string

var a = "Hello World";

var b = a.toLowerCase();


will put "hello world" into b.


toUpperCase – returns the uppercase of a string

var a = "Hello World";

var b = a.toUpperCase();


will put "HELL WORLD" into b.


There are more string functions like these available. See: for more details.