Movie Summary


Movie Summary

For movie Define the screens to the VLF and build a navigation script (Employee Details) - 5 minutes.

This movie shows you to define screens and track navigation to the Display Employee screen.

Track navigation to Employee Details screen

·         Start the RAMP tools and connect to newlook

·         On the Personnel Menu type 3 to select Display Employee option

·         Enter the identifier of any employee on the Find Employee Screen

·         The destination screen uDisplayEmployee is displayed

·         Go back along the pathway of screens so the Framework can track the navigation

·         Notice F12 has taken us back from UDisplayEmployee directly to uPersonnelMenu, bypassing Find Employee. We need to go to Find Employee and use F12 from there to show the Framework how to get back from uFindEmployee

Define screens

·         uFindEmployee as a Junction

·         uDisplayEmployee as a Destination

Generate scripts

·         Use the pop-up menu to automatically generate scripts based on the tracking information

Specify the command tab where the screen is displayed

·         Associate the Employee Details screen with the Details command for the Employees business object.

Start the screen in edit mode

After closing and restarting, the Employee Details screen is working. However, to change an employee's details you have to first click on the Change button.

In Windows screens are usually shown in edit mode. To do this:

·         Start RAMP Tools

·         Locate the Invoke script for uDisplayEmployee destination

·         Find the last line in the script, and add an instruction to automatically press F21. That will put it into edit mode:


/* Send the key required to navigate to uDisplayEmployee




/* Send the key required to navigate to put the screen into edit mode




Now, when the user clicks on an employee, they can edit the details straight away.


Also see:

Invoke Script