Do I have to identify and script every 5250 screen in my application to modernize it?


Do I have to identify and script every 5250 screen in my application to modernize it?


Typically some areas of a 5250 application are rarely used or used by very few users.

The degree of modernization you apply to an application area should be related to the area's degree of exposure to end users and to the amount of benefit that they would gain if it were completely modernized.

Modernizing a Single Screen to Provide Access to a Subsystem

In this example a 5250 menu or work with screen named uCodeTableMaint manages access to 47 different 5250 screens that handle System Code Table Maintenance (for example classic code and parameter tables such as states, companies, currencies, interest rates, etc that are used to define and control an application).

uCodeTableMaint could be visualized as an "application subsystem" like this:


Because this application area does not need to be completely modernized, the most rapid way to modernize it is to create a single RAMP screen that provides access to the other screens.

To do this:

·         Create a business object called Code Tables and associate with an application.

·         Give it a single RAMP screen (or tab) called Maintain (say). Make sure this is an object level command and that it is the default command so that it is executed automatically every time you click on it.

·         Identify and define the 5250 work with screen uCodeTableMaint to the Framework as a destination screen and associate it with the Maintain screen.

When the user clicks on Code Tables in the Framework application they are immediately navigated to the uCodeTableMaint 5250 screen.

It occupies the entire right hand side of the windows form like this:

Once the user has displayed the uCodeTableMaint screen they can then navigate around in the other 47 associated screens in the normal manner:

This is a minimal modernization of the whole uCodeTableMaint managed subsystem.

Only the 5250 screen uCodeTableMaint needed to be defined and scripted into the framework. The other 47 screens did not have to be identified nor scripted in any way.