Movie Summary


Movie Summary

For movie Identify Your 5250 Entry Point Screens Using newlook - 13 minutes.

This movie shows how to identify 5250 screens and fields on them so that we can reference them in the Visual LANSA Framework.

In this tutorial you identify these screens and fields:



Sign On

User profile and password

Attempt Recovery

Menu option

Sign Off


Display Messages


I5/OS Main Menu

Command to execute










Identify the screens

·         Start newlook 8.0

Then for every 5250 screen:

·         Navigate to the screen

·         Select the Designer option in the Tools menu

·         Double-click the screen and assign a name to it (using the Form Name property) and when required, also for the fields on the screen

·         Close the Designer using the File menu

·         Specify a name for the screen and save

·         Proceed to the next screen


You can do the naming at any time in any order and you don't have to name all the forms and fields in a single session.


Also See

Start newlook