MakeRampAvailable Method
Make RAMP interactive for a specified action.
Define_Com Class(#vf_sy122) Name(#myscreen_wrapper) Parent(#COM_OWNER)
#myscreen_wrapper.MakeRampAvailable Foraction(sAction)
ForAction | Char 256 – Required | String that specifies an action. Actions are listened to in the RampAvailable event listener. |
uUserObjectType | Char 32 - Optional | String that contains the user object type of the RAMP session specified when defining the session using the RAMP tools. When there is one session this parameter is not required. |
uSession_Id | Char 40 - Optional | The session assigned to a destination. Defaults to *AUTO. |
Return Value
This method triggers the execution of a specific user-defined action. When you invoke this method the VLF will perform the connection if required. Once RAMP is available it will signal a RampAvailable event. The event routine listening to RampAvailable is where the main program logic is performed according to the specified action.
Invoke Method(#myscreen_wrapper.MakeRampAvailable) Foraction(Display) uSession_Id(SESSION_A)
Invoke Method(#myscreen_wrapper.MakeRampAvailable) Foraction(Update) uSession_Id(SESSION_A)
Invoke Method(#myscreen_wrapper.MakeRampAvailable) Foraction(Display) uUserObjectType(HumanResources)
Related Topic MakeRampAvailable Method.