Movie Index
What is RAMP? - 9 minutes
5250 Application before using RAMP - 2 minutes
5250 Application after using RAMP - 4 minutes
Stage 1: Creating a Modernization Framework - 8 minutes
Stage 2: Snapping the 5250 Application in the Framework - 11 minutes
Stage 3: Enrichment and Re-engineering - 5 minutes
Tutorial: Modernizing Complete Application
Application before Modernization - 2.5 minutes
Movie Summary
Modernized Application - 2 minutes
Identify your business objects - 1 minute
Create a prototype of your application - 3 minutes
Create a filter and snap it in - 4 minutes
Make a plan of the 5250 screens you will need to use - 2.5 minutes
Identify the relevant screens and fields to newlook - 4 minutes
Define the screens to the VLF and build a navigation script (New Employee) - 7.5 minutes
Define the screens to the VLF and build a navigation script (Employee Details) - 5 minutes
Link the Selected Employee in the Instance List with the Display Employee Screen - 4 minutes
Make Function Keys Go Somewhere Different - 4.5 minutes
Handle Unexpected Stops in Navigation and Messages - 3 minutes
Update the Instance List from 5250 Screens - 4 minutes
Tutorial: Modernizing Application Navigation
Modernized Navigation - 5 minutes
Create a Prototype of Your Application - 9.5 minutes
Identify Your 5250 Entry Point Screens Using newlook - 13 minutes
Script the Screens and Snap them in the Framework - 16 minutes
Scripting: General
Introduction to Scripts - 6.5 minutes
Reading, Writing and Storing Values in Scripts - 4 minutes
Debug and Diagnostics - 2.5 minutes
Scripting: Subfiles/Browselists
Not Using a Datagrid Control - 1 minute
Using Subfile Accessor - 5 minutes
Subfile Direct Access - 2 minutes
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