Using objGlobal to pass optional parameters


Using objGlobal to pass optional parameters

Extending the idea in the previous section slightly, you can introduce the concept of optional parameters being passed into scripts. In a script that needs to pass some optional parameters into another script you might find code like this:


objGlobal.OptParms = new Object(); 

objGlobal.OptParms.CustNumber = "12345";

objGlobal.OptParms.CustName   = "ACME ENGINEERING";     



and the script that receives the optional parameters you would find code possibly structured something like this:

var CustNumber = "some default value";

var CustName   = "some default value";


if (objGlobal.OptParms != null)


   CustNumber         = objGlobal.OptParms.CustNumber;

 CustName           = objGlobal.OptParms.CustName;  

 objGlobal.OptParms = null;



/* Now we proceed to use the values in CustNumber and CustName */


The line objGlobal.OptParms = null; line is very important to this style of processing because it destroys the temporary OptParms object.