How to Get Started with RAMP
This is the recommended 6 step plan for getting started with RAMP:
1. Review the introductory movie What is RAMP? - 9 minutes
2. Comprehend how modernization will change the nature of a 5250 application by reviewing these movies:
5250 Application before using RAMP - 2 minutes
5250 Application after using RAMP - 4 minutes
3. Comprehend how the modernization process is performed by reviewing these movies:
Stage 1: Creating a Modernization Framework - 8 minutes
Stage 2: Snapping the 5250 Application in the Framework - 11 minutes
Stage 3: Enrichment and Re-engineering - 5 minutes
4. Install and Configure RAMP and newlook software (see Installation and Configuration).
5. Complete this essential RAMP Tutorial:
Modernizing a Complete Application
6. If you have time, complete this optional RAMP tutorial that deals with a different way to use RAMP for application modernization:
Modernizing Application Navigation
Once you have completed these steps you should be well positioned to start to plan and implement your own modernization project using RAMP.
Also see Prerequisite Skills.