Short-circuiting Navigation


Short-circuiting Navigation

Sometimes 5250 enquiry style transactions use a 5250 screen that loop on <enter key values> -> <display data> -> <enter key values> -> <display data> interactions.

 Typically these screens have an INVOKE script that is structured along these lines:  


         var strAccessMenu   = "SomeMenuScreenName";

         var strThisEnquiry  = "SomeCherryEnquiryScreenName";    


         /*  Navigate to the menu that will provide access to the enquiry function */



         if ( !( CHECK_CURRENT_FORM(strAccessMenu, "Could not display menu", strAccessMenu) ) return;


         /* Invoke the screen from the access menu */


         SETVALUE("uMenuOptionField","7");  /* Say */


         if ( !( CHECK_CURRENT_FORM(strThisEnquiry,"Could not display enquiry screen", strThisEnquiry ) ) return;


         /* Enter the appropriate key value and display the enquiry details */


         SETVALUE("uKeyValueField",objInstanceList.Akey1[0] );  /* Say */


         if ( !( CHECK_CURRENT_FORM(strThisEnquiry,"Could not display", strThisEnquiry ) ) return;


         /* Finished */


When this transaction is used repeatedly (for example by clicking down through an instance list or orders, products, policies, etc) you can sometimes short-circuit the navigation logic by a simple script change along the following lines. This change produces less 5250 screen interactions giving a faster response for your end-users:


         var strAccessMenu   = "SomeMenuScreenName";

         var strThisEnquiry  = "SomeCherryEnquiryScreenName";    


         /* We only need to navigate if we are not already at the screen */


         if ( CURRENT_FORM() != strThisEnquiry )



             /*  Navigate to the menu that will provide access to the enquiry function */



             if ( !( CHECK_CURRENT_FORM(strAccessMenu, "Could not display menu", strAccessMenu) ) return;


             /* Invoke the screen from the access menu */


             SETVALUE("uMenuOptionField","7");  /* Say */


             if (!(CHECK_CURRENT_FORM(strThisEnquiry,"Could not display enquiry screen",strThisEnquiry)) return;





         /* Enter the appropriate key value and display the enquiry details */


         SETVALUE("uKeyValueField",objInstanceList.Akey1[0] );  /* Say */


         if ( !( CHECK_CURRENT_FORM(strThisEnquiry,"Could not display", strThisEnquiry ) ) return;


         /* Finished */