Using the Scripting Pop-up Menu


Using the Scripting Pop-up Menu

You can use the scripting pop-up menu to format and edit your scripts. To display the menu, right-click the Script Details area.

The first set of options Cut, Copy, Paste, Undo and Redo are commonly used options in many editors and are self-explanatory.

The Upper Case and Lower Case options will change the case of any text currently selected in the script editor. Note that Javascript is case-sensitive.

The Lower font and Larger font options allow you to change the size of the font being used by the text editor.

The Show Line Numbers option displays (or hides) line numbers in the text editor.

Use The Current... options to insert properties for various Framework objects into your script. Use:

·         Current Framework to enter properties of objFramework

·         Current Application to enter properties of objApplication

·         Current Business Object to enter properties of objBusinessObject

·         Current Command to enter properties of objCommand

·         Current Instance List Entry to enter properties of objListManager

Use the 5250 Subfile Handling options to insert code for Subfiles/Browselists.

Use the Session Control options to enter commonly used functions and objUser parameters to your script.


·         Replacing Hardcoded User Name with Current Framework User

·         Replacing Hardcoded Employee Number with Current Instance List Entry

·         Adding Your Own Options to the Scripting Pop-Up Menu