Modernizing a Complete Application


Modernizing a Complete Application

This tutorial introduces the key concepts required to modernize a complete application.

Modernizing a complete application is more complex and takes longer than just modernizing it's navigation.

The example chosen is taken from a simple personnel management system:

Application before Modernization - 2.5 minutes

Modernized Application - 2 minutes


This tutorial has these steps:

Identify your business objects - 1 minute

Create a prototype of your application - 3 minutes

Create a filter and snap it in - 4 minutes

Make a plan of the 5250 screens you will need to use - 2.5 minutes

Identify the relevant screens and fields to newlook - 4 minutes

Define the screens to the VLF and build a navigation script (New Employee) - 7.5 minutes

Define the screens to the VLF and build a navigation script (Employee Details) - 5 minutes

Link the Selected Employee in the Instance List with the Display Employee Screen - 4 minutes

Make Function Keys Go Somewhere Different - 4.5 minutes

Handle Unexpected Stops in Navigation and Messages - 3 minutes

Update the Instance List from 5250 Screens - 4 minutes


This tutorial is presented as a series of movies showing each step in the RAMP process. It is recommended that at the end of each movie you complete the outlined steps. This will reinforce the concepts and provide hands-on experience with RAMP. Some individuals may find it convenient to use a second machine or an extended desktop to view the movie while completing the tutorial.