Movie Summary


Movie Summary

For movie Script the Screens and Snap them in the Framework - 16 minutes

This movie shows how to script the 5250 screens and snap them to the Framework.

·         (It first shows a quick tour of the RAMP Window)


Track Navigation

·         Start newlook in the RAMP window

·         Connect to the System i server

·         Demonstrate to RAMP the navigation from the I5/OS main menu to WRKLNK, WRKJOBQ, WRKOUTQ and WRKACTJOB and back

·         Sign off from the System i server


Define screens

·         For every screen, click on the message that says the screen is unknown

·         Define the Sign-on screen and the Main menu as Junction Screens

·         Define WRKLNK, WRKJOBQ, WRKOUTQ and WRKACTJOB as Destination Screens

·         Define Display Messages as a Special Screen


Create scripts

·         Use the pop-up menu to automatically create scripts for all the screens


Enable Function Keys

·         Select the WRKLNK screen in the Screen and Script List

·         In the Destination Screen Details check Page Up and Page Down in the Enable for NL column in the Function Key Enablement Group so that the user can use these keys from the keyboard.

·         Repeat this step for the other three destination screens


Specify the command tab where the screen is displayed

·         In the Associated Command Handlers list associate the screens with the command tab:


Job Queues - Work With


Output Queues - Work With


IFS Folders - Work With


System Jobs - Work With


Specify a different Session Option for every screen

To execute the destination screens in separate sessions select the Session options SESSION_A, SESSION_B, SESSION_C and SESSION_D for the four destination screens respectively (normally the default value *AUTO is used which means the Framework will automatically determine the correct session)

Note that in addition to selecting the checkbox in front of the associated command handler you also need to click its name so that it is highlighted when you specify the Session Option.


Save and Restart the Framework

Open the System i Server application and click on any of the four business objects to start a new 5250 session to the System i server and display the modernized 5250 screen.