Aged Payables Report — Features
The Aged Payables report groups outstanding transactions into a current period and four aging periods by document date or due date. Use the report to analyze your payables.
For instructions on printing the report, see Aged Payables Report — Printing.
Information printed on the report
- The Due Date/Applied Number/Applied Type column lists the due date for documents at the left, and the document number and type of applied details at the right.
- The Current column contains documents that are not yet due. Credit notes, debit notes, and prepayments appear in this column if you select "As Current" for the Age Credit Notes And Debit Notes and Age Prepayments options in the Options form. (You can choose whether to include prepayments when printing the report.)
- The vendor contact and phone number, and your company's credit limit with the vendor are listed if you select the Contact/ Phone/Credit option.
- Subtotals (for a single currency company), or subtotals by currency (for a multicurrency company), if you select Vendor Group or Account Set as the primary sort order. Subtotals appear on both the summary and the detail report.
- Extra space appears between each vendor record if you select the Space For Comments option.
- Miscellaneous payments will appear as "MC" in the Document Type or Applied Type.
- Reports set to age by Due Date have an option to display Aged Retainage for each vendor. This option is not available if the Report Type is set to age by Document Date.
The summary version of the report includes one line for each vendor number, listing the current balance in the vendor's account and the balance in each of four periods.