Invoice Entry -- Retainage Tab
When you select the Retainage option on the Document tab, a Retainage tab appears that lets you specify how to process retainage for this invoice, debit note, or credit note.
The program displays the retainage percentage, retainage rate, and the retainage terms from the vendor record. (If the invoice was created using Accounts Payable 5.3, the retention period also appears on this tab.) Unless the document is job-related, you can change these retainage factors for a particular document.
If the document is job-related, you can change only the retainage rate and retainage terms on this tab. You enter job-related retainage amounts, retention periods, and retainage due dates with each job detail.
Accounts Payable calculates and displays the retainage amount and retainage due date for the selected document. You can change these fields, whether or not the document is job-related.
For detailed information about another tab on the Invoice Entry form, click the corresponding link, below:
For more information about processing retainage, see Using Retainage Accounting.
Click the links below for additional help on using the corresponding buttons: