Payment Entry — Detail Accounts/Taxes Form
The Detail Accounts/Taxes form appears for miscellaneous payments when you click the Accounts/Taxes button on the Payment Entry form.
It displays all the fields that appear on the Payment Entry form's detail-entry grid, but on a single form, so you do not have to scroll to see all the fields. It also displays tax information for a distribution detail.
The Detail Accounts/Taxes form lets you:
- Add distribution details to the miscellaneous payment (or "cash invoice") you are entering.
- Check or change the accounts to which you are distributing a selected detail.
- Change tax classes and (if the tax authority allows it) the Tax Included In Price field for a particular detail.
- On documents for which you are entering taxes manually, enter the tax base and the tax amount for the detail.
For information on the fields that appear on this form, click the Field List button, above.
Note that you must use the Document Taxes form to view or edit taxes for the document.
Click the links below for information about the buttons that appear on the form.