Entering Payments and Invoices at the Same Time
The Payment Entry form lets you enter invoices at the same time as you
enter payments for existing vendors as well as for one-time
(In some
other programs, this is called a "cash invoice.")
- To enter a cash invoice for a one-time vendor, leave the Vendor Number field blank.
To enter an invoice when you add a payment, you must select Misc. Payment as the transaction type. Accounts Payable then displays a detail-entry grid where you can enter general ledger account distributions for the payment, as you would to add an invoice using the Invoice Entry form. (If you prefer to view all the information for a detail, without scrolling, click the Accounts/Taxes button to enter the details using the Detail Accounts/Taxes form.)
Payment Entry also lets you enter job-related details for miscellaneous payments. To display the necessary job-related fields, select the Job Related option on the Payment Entry form before you enter any details.
If you are entering a miscellaneous payment for an existing vendor, you must also enter the invoice number. When you add the entry, Accounts Payable creates an invoice document that uses this number.
Accounts Payable calculates tax and updates tax services for miscellaneous payments, as it does for invoices you enter using Invoice Entry. The program displays tax information from the vendor record as defaults for the document.
- To change the tax group or other tax information for the document, you use the Document Taxes form. (You can use a tax group that is from the one specified in the vendor record.) Click the Document Taxes button, to display the Document Taxes form.
- To change tax information for the invoice details, you use the separate Detail Accounts/Taxes form to enter the details and detail tax information. Click the Accounts Taxes form to display the Detail Accounts/Taxes form.
When you post the miscellaneous payment, Accounts Payable creates an invoice transaction as well as a payment transaction. The entries are combined on the same posting journal.
Note that invoices created for a miscellaneous payment do not include:
- Retainage.
- Optional Fields.
- Terms. (The invoice is paid immediately.)