Stimulus Protocol

WinWCP V5.3.8

Recording Experimental Signals > Recording Modes > Stimulus Protocol


In Stimulus Protocol mode, WinWCP functions as a stimulator as well as a recording device. Sequences of recording sweeps are acquired at timed intervals, in synchrony with computer-generated stimuli applied to the cell. The stimuli can be in the form of either voltage waveforms or on/off TTL digital pulses for controlling valves or other devices. Up to 4 voltage waveform output channels are supported and 4-8 TTL digital output channels (depending on the laboratory interface).

Each stimulus pulse is associated with a single recording sweep and the duration or amplitude of any part of a pulse can be incremented between records. A complete stimulus protocol thus consists of a series of one or more pulses, incremented in amplitude or duration to create a family of pulses. Complex stimulus waveforms can be produced, including series of rectangular steps, ramps, and digitised analog signals. Protocols are created using the Stimulus/Recording Protocol Editor.

Applying Single Protocols

Select the Single option to apply a single stimulus protocol (or linked series of protocols) selected from the list of available protocols in the Protocol list.

By default, protocol files are stored as files with the .XML extension in the folder c:\winwcp\vprot. The protocol folder can be changed by clicking Set Stimulus Protocol Folder and selecting another folder.


Applying Sequences of Protocols

Select the List option to applying a sequence of protocols defined by the protocol execution list, selected from Protocol List.

To create a new protocol execution list:

1)     Enter a name for the new list and click New List.

2)     Add protocols to the list by clicking Add Protocol to List and selecting a protocol using the protocol file selection box.

To delete the currently selected protocol execution list, click Delete List.

Protocol execution lists are stored as files with .LST extensions in the protocols folder.