Contract Structures Field List

Sage ERP Accpac Project and Job Costing 6.0

Contract Structures Field List


The program displays the contract number format, or structure, as you add the prefix, segments, and separators.


Use this field to enter a description for the contract structure. You can use up to 60 alphanumeric characters.


If you want to use a prefix with contract numbers using this structure, select a prefix from the drop-down list in this field.

The program displays only the separators you selected on the PJC Options form.


The program displays in this field the length of the selected segment (not including the separator), as defined on the Segments tab of the PJC Options form.


Double-click this field in the grid to select a segment by its name from the drop-down list that appears.


Use this field to select a segment separator to appear after the selected segment in contract numbers.

You can choose only separators that you selected for use on the Segments tab of the Options form.


Use this field to enter a unique code to identify the contract structure, or select a code using the Finder or navigation buttons.

You can also click the New button to begin adding a new contract structure.

You can use up to 6 alphanumeric characters to specify the code.


The program displays in this field the total length of the contract structure, including prefix and separators.